Varsity cheerleaders on the way to USA Nationals

CVHS Varsity Cheerleaders performed in spirited fashion during their Deer Valley cheer competition on Jan. 18, and won fourth place in their division, qualifying to compete in Disneyland for USA Nationals in March.
The team was very excited with the placing since last competition the girls received sixth place. Although the placing was high, some varsity cheerleaders say that they should have been more prepared for the competition.
“The competition wasn’t flawless, but we are improving. We had to change a lot of our routine a week before competing, so that affected our performance,” said junior Michaela Wood. “Overall, I was very proud of our accomplishment!”
CVHS is very proud of the school sports it offers. Most CVHS teams are very successful, and stride to make a name for the school. The spirit squad is no different.
Since the beginning of the school year, the CVHS mat room was turned into a learning center. The mat room is a very large space with a high ceiling and large mats on the floors right off of 600 hall. For years the cheer teams have used the room to practice because of the cushioned floors and high ceilings are perfect for stunting.
Since the loss of the room, cheerleaders feel that they are being deprived of a large opportunity.
“The mat room being taken away from us is a very tough situation,” said junior Emma Donovan. “Now, CVHS cheer does not have a specific spot to practice in. We are a school sport, even though we are not considered one. What dignifies the cheerleaders as the ones who get penalized? If you walk into the mat room you can even see all the cheer trophies up near the windows. Why can’t cheer and wrestling at least share the mat room?”
Despite the setback, the cheerleaders of CVHS are always dedicated to do what they love, and will continue to work hard to prepare for nationals in March.
“I’d say we just need to communicate more and work together as a team and we’ll do awesome,” said senior Adriana Gascon.