Talent acts perform at Kiva Benefit Concert

Kiva hosted a benefit show on Jan. 31 in the CVHS cafeteria that showcased a number of talented students. The acts in the show ranged from acoustic guitar to hardcore rock band performances.
All profits from the show were donated to aspiring entrepreneurs through the Kiva organization. Kiva is a microfinance organization that supports people by providing them with loans to start their businesses or to support their education. When that loan is repaid, that money is loaned out again and becomes part of a large cycle. These microfinance organizations is making it easier for people in vulnerable situations to get a loan. There are also online payday advance from PurlplePayday, for example that can help vridge the
The show opened with Monica Mendoza singing two popular songs in an R&B style. She accompanied her smooth singing with some killer dance moves too. Following her was Mae Muldez. Muldez sang a few popular songs as well in her very pretty yet powerful voice. Then came guitar player Evan Ma. Ma cranked out a few tunes on his guitar and wowed everyone in the room. After that, there was a brief intermission when snacks were available for purchase.
Once intermission was over the atmosphere definitely changed a lot. My Friend’s Band performed their punk songs and raised the energy level up a lot. Following them, the group Global Affront rocked out as well, banging their heads to the beat of the music. To keep the ball rolling, the closing group Tournament went out with a bang by singing, strumming, and drumming their hearts out.
The show was definitely a success with a pretty good turnout and amazing talent. Not only was it wonderful entertainment, but all the money went to a good cause.