Auf Wiedersehen, Manisha

Taking part in a foreign exchange program, German student Manisha Elisamonteiro-Pai has spent the last five months studying at CVHS. Manisha was born in Germany and studied at an institution called Couvemgymmasium, where many students study abroad their sophomore year. As a sophomore, Manisha decided to take the opportunity.
“I wanted to do it because it’s a great experience and my aunt lives here,” said Manisha. “I didn’t really have too many expectations. I just said that’d I’d see what comes and take it as it is.”
After experiencing the many aspects of life at CVHS, such as Homecoming and Winterball, Manisha has learned a lot about American culture and how different it is from German culture.
“At my school, we have 1,200 students from fifth to 12th grade, and it’s a completely different system,” said Manisha. “Here, it’s much larger and the school system is much easier.”
Not only has Manisha learned about what it’s like to be a student in America, but she’s also had the chance to meet new people and travel to San Francisco.
“The people are very nice here. When I was here the first few weeks people just came to me and said ‘hi’ and asked how I was. People here aren’t as judgmental,” Manisha said.
On Jan. 22, Manisha headed back to Germany to finish her final semester at her school in Germany.
“I’m very glad I had this experience and made new friends. I hope to keep in touch with them all,” Manisha said.