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“Stuck in Love” didn’t stick to me

51K9+tSdbAL._SL500_AA280_Stuck in Love is an independent romance movie released in the summer of 2013 about a family broken apart by a divorce. The main character, Bill Borgen, is waiting for his ex-wife, Erica, to fall in love with him again. Bill’s college-aged daughter, Sam, hasn’t believed in love since her mom left her dad, which provokes her to be sexually active without emotional accompaniment. Bill’s son, Rusty, is the opposite, as he falls in love with the girl sitting across the room of his high school English class. The whole family environment is rocky, as Sam pretends Erica doesn’t exist in her life, while Bill tests private boundaries with Rusty.

The storyline is very simple and straightforward, but sprinkled with controversial ideas. In multiple instances throughout the movie, a character is caught stalking his or her love interest. Watching someone with their family outside their house is seen as acceptable as long as it was done in the name of true love. Also, the subject of drug use is frequently brought up in the scenes with Rusty, who smokes marijuana, and is always stoned. Bill and Erica are aware of his marijuana use, but rather than telling him to stop smoking, they tell him never to touch any other drug. Apparently marijuana use is ok, but even just a mention of cocaine gets the parents freaked out.

Overall, I give Stuck in Love 3 out of 5 stars, as this was a nicely produced film. Stephen King is featured in a cameo, Kristen Bell is featured in an extended cameo, and this all-star cast also includes Greg Kinnear, Jennifer Connelly, Lily Collins, Natt Wolf, and Logan Lerman– most of which are teen favorites. A big secret is unveiled at the end of the story, along with the unexpected endings of some characters and relationships.

I would recommend this movie to anyone that enjoys a dramatic family story or has an hour or two to kill. It’s also safe for the entire family to watch. This may ease the process of bringing up more mature conversation that’s usually deemed awkward, but it’s also good for the family to realize how thankful they should be to not have to experience the Borgens’ situation. Just make sure no one gets “stuck in love” too.