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Your Grades Don’t Define You

When I saw the bright yellow B in Aeries, my heart sank. I poured my all into that class, convinced that my work would get me an A. It truly felt like the world had come crashing down. I had always been an A student, someone who pushed to get everything right — a perfectionist. 

Anything less than an A meant failure to me, and I couldn’t help but think maybe I hadn’t worked hard enough or even worse, that I wasn’t smart enough.

In that moment, one singular-letter grade made me doubt my own self-worth, intelligence, and future. Or at least, that’s what I thought. 

Looking back, I can see how much I overreacted. I can confidently say that everyone has experienced something similar at least once in their lifetime. The B wasn’t the disaster I thought it was, it was just a part of life. It became one of the best lessons I’ve ever learned. It taught me that perfection isn’t always achievable, and that’s okay. 

As time went on, I saw the bigger picture. My grade didn’t determine who I was and what I was capable of. It was one grade, one class, one quiz. 

Although I didn’t meet my usual standard, instead of obsessing over it, I used this opportunity to focus on what I could learn from it. How could I use this setback for the better? 

Getting a B has also taught me to be kinder to myself. I realize that the expectation to be perfect can be exhausting and unrealistic. 

Life is full of challenges, and for things to go perfectly every time is impossible. What matters is how we address those challenges and bounce back. 

Getting over a B isn’t easy, but as long as you get back up and keep going, everything will be okay. 

Always remember grades are just part of the bigger picture, it doesn’t define who you are or what your capabilities are. So, if you ever find yourself in a similar situation, remember it’s not the end of the world. It’s just a small obstacle in the road, an opportunity to learn and move forward. You got this!

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