Winter Ball may move off campus
In the history of CVHS, the annual Winterball has always taken place on campus. However, this year the Leadership class has suggested a fresh, new idea: having Winterball off the CVHS campus. Leadership recently conducted a survey throughout the school to see what students think about having a change in venue. Fifty-six percent of the school supported the change in venue while 44 percent disagreed with it.
Although the final decision has not been made yet, the leadership class has said they should know very soon.
As the issue is still being discussed, there are different views and opinions on this topic. Some people supporting the change argue it’s a fun and new twist to the tradition of Winterball at CVHS. It would allow freshmen and sophomores to have a fresh and different experience. And even though it’s convenient to have it at CVHS, it would be very exciting to have it off campus.
However, others argue differently.
“It takes away from Prom,” said senior Breana Lastiri.
Additionally, it would also make it more expensive and costly if Winterball took place off campus. It would also be inconvenient for some lower classmen since most of them can’t drive.
“Some parents also like it better because it’s closer and at a central place,” said Leadership teacher Nicholas Whitaker.
According to senior Kelsey Donovan, “We’re not exactly sure yet; it’s all up to the class of ’13 senior officers. I think it’s a good idea.”
For now, the percentages in favor of and against the decision are pretty close and, ultimately, the final call is up to the class officers of 2013.