“This was all my fault”
I am not a murderer. I’m not capable of it. I promise, I’m innocent. That’s what I kept repeating through my head to keep my sanity.
I know what a bad feeling feels like, but it never felt this gruesome. I can’t even get the image out of my head— the image of my friends, mutilated, covered with blood, slaughtered, all because of my doings.
I am Igor Breyman, the Every Fifteen Minutes drunk driver, and this was all my fault.
Unique in its design and powerful in its impact, Every Fifteen Minutes is an educational experience funded by an auto accident attorney group that reminds us all of the dangers associated with driving while intoxicated and texting. About 25 students were nominated to participate. Then five or six students were chosen to be a part of the crash scene and in the film. Students are filmed based on a script in jail, court, hospitals, school, and morgues. Though everything is predetermined, the emotions and feelings are all real.
The day of the crash scene, I have never felt so nervous in my life. Even with my various experiences performing on stage, these five minutes of waiting seemed like five days. The illuminated orange world quickly disappeared as the living dead pulled off the tarp. My heart exploded in my chest; I could feel it beating, coursing blood through every inch of my body. Showtime. From there, everything got real and hectic.
The 911-call set off the adrenaline, while the glass, blood, cries, and the fear carried me along. Junior Juan Anderson—paralyzed and stuck—yelled for help in the backseat of my car, while juniors Nate Han and Jasmine Fong were subjects of their own chaotic and painful world stuck in their car. Senior Rachel Wagner and junior Jason Phillips raced on in distress after making the 911 call. Upon seeing the dead bodies of seniors Erin Hawkins and Gabe McDermott, I could feel the emotions rush inside me.
The scenario began when Erin and I decided to pre-game and drink at my house with some friends. Shots of Captain Morgan, swigs of Skyy vodka, and a few games of beer pong were weapons of choice, while Juan and Gabe decided to stay sober.
“Don’t worry dude, I’m fine. I’m Russian, Ukranian, you know I can hold my liquor,” I gently asserted, reassuring Gabe that I was okay to drive. It wasn’t until we started driving that the intoxication hit us. Add in all the distractions and a car as a lethal weapon, and you have a recipe for disaster.
In the moment of impact, Erin and Gabe—both not wearing their seatbelts—were ejected from the car and died on impact. Jasmine, after being rushed to the hospital, never made it out, while Juan was paralyzed from the waist down for life.
The whole duration of this program, I felt as if I was really in the shoes of the drunk driver. The seething hatred I received from various parents, as well as members of the executive and judicial branch, felt real, and it changed my life.
This program has impacted many of us and brought a school together. Hearing sobs throughout the entire theater reassures me we did something meaningful. Every Fifteen Minutes was not just about drunk driving, but about making good decisions, and I feel that countless individuals will now think twice before making a bad one. This program could not have happened without everyone’s support, so thanks to all those at CVHS and elsewhere who made this happen.
I am a Minister and I pray that this video has made an impact on every person whether young or old of the dangers of texting and/or driving while drunk. No one every thinks it could happen to them because they think they have it all under control. Please, please, please remember this, “CIRCUMSTANCES, CHOICES, CONSEQUENCES!” So many lives are lost because some people did not make the right choices before they got behind a wheel. The consequences are families will never see their loved ones again and another person will sit behind bars forever tormented by the fact that people died because of them. So sad.
I am just so very thankful this wasn’t real in terms of how much the characters, including the parents, really made you care about their fates. That was brutal.
But the underlying message is about as real as it gets. And it makes one pause and contemplate how much pain, suffering and irreparable harm is out there. Wow.
My name is Kylie and the first time I saw this video I was horrified. The second time was a different video but just filmed differently and same people. On the second one i cried and cried it was so sad. But it reminds you what can happen if you drink and drive.
The video is really amazing and it seems to be so real.It really show the impact of drunken drive and accident. http://slipandfallattorneyphiladelphia.net/
I watched the video. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SAD!!! My name is Jeremy and I have never saw a drunk driving accident sooo powerful. I am a senior in Saint John Vianney in NJ.
When i saw this, it was my very first time watching the every 15 minutes video. Last video I saw was Sherwood hs. U did an amazing job, and Igor, you were really cute and handsome! Plus this video is sad
I never cryed so bad when i saw this film i honestly thought this was a reaal thing that happened at a school but this is sad but people got to understand this can happen when you drink and also when your driving
Today I watched this movie in my SR High Health class and It would truly be a lie if I said this movie didnt affect me gravely. I now realize how my choices can affect others and I don’t want to be the one to change a person’s life without them having a say.
Omgz. This video is sooooooooo amazing. All teens shiuld watch this all over the world.i loved the special eff,ects in the vide. Gabe and igor are hot. Lastly great job on the emmy award for this video. Anyways i love u all and remember to don’t drink and drive or text and drive. It’ll have a big impact on your life.
yes… Igor is hot
This really spoke to me when i saw it in my health class. I’m a sophomore and hearing about this story really effected me. I keep thinking to myself…. Is this really real? or is it just a story about what could happen if you drink and drive? did he really have to go to jail for 15 years?! A lot goes in my mind when thinking about this story, and it makes me think about my mom who drinks and drives. i’m scared for her…. :/
As most of the people above I found the “Every 15 minutes” video on Tumblr. My name is Jemma and I am from Ireland. I agree with everything that has already been said about this. I cried my eyes out watching the video. It really impacted me. It has a powerful message and I will be sharing it with everyone I know. I think this needs to be showed to all High Schools and colleges in Ireland. I wil certainly be showing my welfare officer in college. It is a sad story but the people acting in this were amazing. Well done. (and Igor is hot)
My name’s Amanda. I’m a sophomore at CVHS. I watched this video to see what Every Fifteen Minutes was like. My brother always told me it was horrible, that everyone cried. I cried when I saw that, and I can’t even imagine how much I’ll cry when it’s my friends and peers in the cars, on the ground, and crying out in pain. I am happy though that we live in a town that puts so much stress on this and I hope that I, nor anyone else, will ever have to experience this situation. You all were excellent.
I came across this on Tumblr. This video seemed so real, and I am honestly terrified to ever drink and drive. Because of this, I pledge to never ever drink and drive, and to be a designated driver if I’m not drinking and other people are.
Side note: Why does it say “we remember” Igor Breyman at the end? Did he die?
My name is Dee and i also stumbled across this on Tumblr. I’m from Australia and am currently studying to become a teacher. From the impact it had on my emotions, i think it would be an amazing video to use when talking to students about drink driving. You did an amazing job of this video and hope that you take pride in the fact that it has impacted people from all around the world.
wow , i saw this video on tumblr and at first i thought it would you know be DUMB ! but in reality this is so true . because about 3 months ago 2 girls in manassas , va died from drunk driving and they had there whole lifes in front of them , it was tragic and it took a big impact on everyone in the whole school districts. but moral of my story is this needs to be shown in every school , starting in 10th grade from when you take drivers ed . from this i know good and well i willl be a RESPONSIBLE driver .
I found this video on Tumblr and let me say this impacted me so so so much. I can’t tell you how bad I began to shake and tear up. My family had a tragic loss in a similar way. I take Driver’s Ed now and this makes me realize how quick something as small as a phone can cause so much damage. My sister was killed in a drunk driving incident. She wasn’t drunk but another teen was. Teens everywhere should know that driving while drunk and texting while driving is NO joke at all. If that was you or your family member in the video you’d be crushed. It’s true that “you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.” So appreciate that and remeber it everytime you even think about picking up a bottle, can, or phone. Drive safe and be smart. ♥
I’m 26 years old, from Ohio. Seeing this.. took me back to high school when I lost 4 good friends in an accident. It brought back every painful emotion that I felt so vividly nearly ten years ago. I sobbed the entire time through this video. People need to see this. They need to know.. make good decisions. It’s not just your life you’re risking. It’s everyone elses. I hope.. I really hope.. that this video at least makes one person think about the choices that they make.
My name is Madison and I found this video on tumblr. I have never been so moved by a video in my life. this will make a HUGE impacts on teens all across the world. I was confused though how it said they remembered all of them at the end? this wasnt real was it?
My name is Madison and I found this video on tumblr. I have never been so moved by a video in my life. this will make a HUGE impacts on teens all across the world. I was confused though how it said they remembered all of them at the end? this wasnt real was it?
I’m from Troy, Ohio and I found the video on Tumblr. I’m very happy that this has been made, I’ll be getting my permit soon and this has taught me a very good lesson and I’ll be sharing it with my friends. I was very emotional through the whole video because I thought it was real. I haven’t cried so hard in a long time. I’m sure this will make a HUGE impact.
I found this on tumblr, my high school did a scenario just like this every other year a couple days before prom to remind students of the consequences. A couple years ago, a friend of mine’s older brother was killed in a drunk driving accident less than a week before his HS graduation. His best friend in the passenger seat was left permanently paralyzed from the waist down. And, in a school of less than 800 students, the accident affected everyone. I’ve never been drunk, and never plan to be.
I am from Melbourne, Australia. I stumbled upon this video on Tumblr. It is very realistic, and I definitely shed a few tears. I believe this video should be shown in schools everywhere. It really does emphasis the dangers of drink driving, and I think it’s great what you guys have done!
I am from Melbourne, Australia and I found this video while on Tumblr. It was very moving and realistic. I believe it should be shown to teens all around the world should be shown this video to really show them the dangers of drink driving. I was swimming in a pool of my own tears at the end of the video.
I saw this video through a friend on Facebook just now. I want to say thank you. I cried. I will be spreading this to as many friends I know, not just to avoid drunk driving, but to also ensure using a seatbelt at all times and not using a phone while driving. Giving us a visual to actually experience this occurrence has put it into realworld perspective for me, showing me that no, I can’t just run around thinking that this won’t ever happen to me, or my family members, or friends, or even my future children. This was an eye opener from me, and in my beliefs, a message from my God. Thank you.
MY name is kyree neal and I’m a junior from New York City. The school i attend is Information Technology HS. I stumbled upon this video on Tumblr. It was very moving and powerful. I want to thank you for making this video and spreading it. If more teens saw this then i’m sure that can change the way most teens feel about drinking.