Murals: A new addition to Homecoming
Homecoming activities looked a little different this year. Due to Covid-19, the annual Homecoming parade was cancelled, meaning that there were no floats or grand processions of chanting students. Instead of crafting class floats, artistic CVHS students instead teamed up to paint murals.
Based upon each grade’s Homecoming theme, students painted these murals on the outside of portable classrooms P1 and P2. Each mural reflects one grade’s homecoming theme: Atlantis, A Galaxy Far Far Away, Neverland, and Hero’s Headquarters. Elements from the other themes had to be incorporated, as well. Volunteers drafted the designs.
Painting took five days. Participants labored for about 24 hours in total, and the artwork was completed after sunset on Thursday, the night before the big Homecoming game.
“Everything was really stressful because I had to guide everyone on what colors to use, where to use them, and the design in general because I understand the mural the most,” commented freshman Carrie Lee, who designed her grade’s mural.
The combination of a time crunch and lack of participation from underclassmen created difficulties during the painting process. Some juniors and seniors had to abandon working on their own murals to assist their classmates instead.
Despite that, painting the murals was lighthearted and fun. Friends gathered after school to spend time together and work on something that would be appreciated by the entire community.
“It’s a super fun experience and if you ever get to do it, definitely join in,” exclaimed junior Julia Warren, who helped direct the mural for the class of 2023. The junior class mural was also the winner among the Homecoming murals.
To construct their murals, each class spent $500 on house paint. Scaffolding, ladders, drop cloths, and paint brushes were lent to students from a local roofing company. Compared to making floats, the homecoming murals are logistically simpler and more cost effective.
“The hardest part about doing our floats is that you need to get four flatbeds,” explained Leadership teacher Tommy Maloney. “Every year, the flatbeds get a lot harder for us to find.”
Each mural cost $300 less than the floats, and gaining access to necessary materials was easier. Whether or not CVHS will make murals or floats in the future has not yet been determined.
For the time being, this year’s Homecoming murals will be available for viewing all year long. Students walking outside the 700 hall can admire the hard work of our very own.
“I hope that the kids like it and that it becomes a spot where when major milestones happen, like graduation, seniors will come in their cap and gowns to take pictures,” said Maloney.
The murals look cool but seem pretty expensive. Are they worth $500?
I think everyone had done such a great job on the murals and all of them look so amazing.
The murals look cool, but seem pretty expensive.
The murals made the P classes look way less out of place.
The mural looks good. I’m glad they made something more permanent because it can be enjoyed more.
It was an amazing experience to work on the murals!
This is my first time saw a community of students drawing and it is really nice and worth it.
Same as some people, I was kinda sad when I realized there would not have floats this year, however the murals turned out really pretty! I think it’s a great idea.
I thought all the murals looked really great, and it will be interesting to see how if this tradition will continue in future years.
The murals look nice.
Sophomores have the best mural
Wow! I never realized how much money is spent on these wonderful murals. I think it’s a great idea, they’re cheaper than the floats, last longer, and put less material in the landfill.
The murals were a wonderful addition to this years homecoming, unlike floats, the murals will be up all year for all students to see. Watching everyone come together to represent their class in a fun artistic way is truly wonderful.
Creating the float freshman year was so fun and I was sad not to do it again but making the mural with my friends was incredibly fun. We worked hard all week long and it turned out awesome and winning first makes it even better.
I like the murals more than the floats because it lasts longer than the floats, making them more accessible to look at.
I’m glad we get to do Murals instead of floats so we can look at it anytime we want and remember it while the floats, we didn’t see as much. All the murals looked amazing so props to those amazing artists!
At first I was disappointed that we would not have floats this year, but seeing how well the murals turned out as well as how much better it is logistically, I think it was a good choice.
I love the idea of murals as a regular incorporation to the CVHS homecoming experience! Though both murals and floats are a fun, artistic way to show class spirit, the homecoming floats are only seen by students for 1 or 2 days. Since the homecoming murals are available for students to enjoy all year long, I think this lasting piece of art will symbolize the lasting Trojan togetherness and pride of each class.
I think that the murals are a great way to show Trojan Pride during homecoming week and I hope that I’m able be a part of the homecoming mural crew next year. I really think the murals are a much better and cost effective way of showing each classes pride rather than the floats that used to be made. I also love that the murals get be kept up all year!
It was sad not to have the floats this year but I think the murals turned out really nice