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Trojans dominate in badminton

The gym echoed with sounds of badminton rackets whizzing by as they sent birdies flying over nets at intense speeds. Students on the bleachers cheered for their teammates and friends, creating a room full of energy. 

The CVHS badminton team welcomed Mt. Eden in their first home game of the season on March 11. Trojans secured a dominant victory, winning 15-0. 

“I think that being the first home game of the season, we were a little nervous,” senior captain Joshua Wong said. “But we started off strong, and we had decent energy to pull through at the end to win all of our matches.” 

The close knit team warmed up together before the games, reinforcing a strong connection they had made over their training. 

“My favorite part about badminton is how it can be a lot of fun and you can make many friends,” junior captain Chloe Miao said. 

Working together is necessary in badminton, in both singles and doubles. Each player helps one another improve their skills, which ultimately leads them to success. 

“The best part is the teamwork involved. Even with such a large team, we all know each other and we all get along,” sophomore captain Arielle Fong said. 

The fast paced matches flew by, with players walking back to the rest of their team exhausted, but content. 

All three team captains effectively managed their team throughout all of its matches, leading to Trojan victory. In the end, players from both teams congratulated each other, demonstrating their strong sportsmanship, regardless of the outcome. 

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