Politics: bringing out the bad in people

Things like “A vote for R&R is a vote for national suicide,” or “31 reasons to vote no Obama.” It really bothers me that a place where people are all about “tolerance” and “respect” and “equality” can’t even show common courtesy to the opposing side.
A major problem concerning politics (not the Republicans only or Democrats only) is that people just flat out hate each other’s guts. Difference in opinion leads to mental blocks and the devout belief that only their opinion is right. They fail to see a different perspective and think the other side is stupid or incompetent and cannot run the country. Which, in my belief, neither of them should.
People are blind when it comes to politics. Maybe they would vote for a party just because their parents stand behind it. Others have formed opinions of their own, possibly being influenced by society. Either way, they create barriers between themselves and others.
Your opinion doesn’t have to be the only way. I suggest peaceful co-existence. By letting down barriers, we can meet some pretty cool people. We can be more successful when we work together and compromise and cooperate. Don’t let politics get in the way.
As my friend’s grandmother put it, “There are two things you should never discuss with friends or acquaintances. Those are politics and religion.” Because really, she’s right. If you’re friends or just classmates, politics shouldn’t get in the way of a good friendship.
The key to politics is that you must agree to disagree, no name calling or passing judgement. The way we think may not always be right, but we are free to believe it just the same. If you disagree, you don’t have to say anything but if you do, say it calmly and with dignity and respect. Don’t get all fired up. I asked three of my friends, if they could vote, for whom and why? Most said Democrat. Though I disagreed, I didn’t let it get in the way of our continuing to be friends. In fact, it doesn’t even matter. They are some of the most wonderful people I know and I couldn’t imagine not being friends with them, and certainly not being friends with them because politics or any other belief.
It all really comes down to practicing what we preach. You want tolerance? Give it. You want your opinion to be respected? Respect others. If we don’t we just make the world an even more miserable place. This is why I hate politics so much. They can really bring out the bad in people.