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The big IQ inquiry

A new English study has discovered that a person’s IQ – or “intelligence quotient,” which can been calculated by a standardized test of intelligence – may either become greater or smaller in adolescence. It was previously believed that IQ could only change, either for better or for worse, during the early childhood years.

However, this new finding doesn’t surprise me at all. Teenagers are under so much stress and are learning so much that it’s almost impossible for us not to increase our intelligence in some way, whether it be from personal experience or academics. The fact that previous studies actually had confirmed that our intelligence didn’t expand at all baffles me. Just the idea of not being able to become a smarter person was a disheartening fact, so I have to say, I’m glad it’s been proven otherwise, and I’m hoping that I’m increasing my value of intelligence.

I must add, however, that IQ tests are very vague on exactly what kind of intelligence they measure; scientists today still debate over what the assessment actually measures, but only know that it can affect our ability to learn, perform certain tasks, and can possibly, to some degree, predict our future careers and social standing. Because of those proven results, particularly the last one, I was previously a little unhappy knowing that I was practically set for the future, and that I couldn’t do anything about it, due to the fact that studies have shown a correlation between genetics and IQ.

While neuroscientists at University College London do not know exactly why these fluctuations of intelligence during teenage years occur, I truly believe that experiences in life and daily problems (and how well we handle them), along with increasing education, are the major factors behind them. In fact, I might have to add that IQ could even grow slightly when we are adults, as more life experience comes into play, and hopefully we can grow to see things in different perspectives. Maybe, however, I’m just saying that to make me feel better about myself, because I definitely want to become smarter in my adult years compared to my teenage ones.