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CVHS aims for a good WASC grade

As the first quarter of this school year draws to a close, students are not the only ones anticipating their report cards. CVHS is gearing up for its very own “report card,” the accreditation evaluation by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, also known as the WASC. This important process holds the power to certify the school’s commitment to education and continuous improvement.

WASC is an essential accreditation organization that plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and educational standards of schools and colleges in the Western United States. CVHS, like many other educational institutions, undergoes the WASC accreditation process every six years. This accreditation serves as a validation of the school’s commitment to maintaining high standards of education and providing a quality learning environment.

The WASC accreditation process starts off with a self-study, where CVHS conducts an in depth self examination of academic programs and policies, school performance, and more. Administrators, teachers, and staff are actively involved in the self-study process, and this year students have the opportunity to give their input on various aspects of the school’s operations.

Through a survey made by Assistant Principal Kevin Baker, students can give their opinions via a Likert Scale with prompts such as “Are your classes equity-centered?” and “Does CVHS have a clearly stated vision and purpose?” Participation in the survey allows WASC school administrators to collect feedback from a diverse set of students to ensure a large sample of voices.

Additionally, the WASC Student Committee is an opportunity for students to directly advocate for their needs and concerns. It is highly encouraged that students participate in either activity. 

“Everyone should get involved in the WASC year evaluation to help students and staff know what aspects of the school’s environment need to be improved on and what is working well,” said junior Sam Leber. Having joined the WASC Student Committee, she adds, “I joined because I think it’s important for students to have a say in what they’re learning and how the school they’re attending is run. Taking a survey or joining the committee gives you an opportunity to make change at CVHS within our next six-year cycle, and keep our school running smoothly with student input.”

At the end of this self-study process a report that details school strengths is written, acknowledging areas where it excels, while also equally recognizing areas that require attention. The main focus of the report consists of a reflection on WASC goals, which are specific goals and standards set by educational institutions at the beginning of each six year cycle. The self-study report plays a crucial role in demonstrating its alignment with its past four goals, which include the centralization of standards, integration of special education and English learner students, revaluation of AP/Honors selection process to ensure the equity of students, and building leadership skills of Admin/Department chairs.

Once the self-study is complete, a committee of experienced educators and administrators will visit the school. They will conduct interviews, observations, and gather feedback from stakeholders to confirm the self-study findings.

“CVHS needs a good evaluation to be accredited by WASC and be able to give students diplomas accepted by colleges and job opportunities. Without this accreditation, our diplomas wouldn’t really mean anything, it would just be a piece of paper, so it’s super important to get involved and help CVHS get a good evaluation!” Leber adds.

The “report card” CVHS receives from WASC represents not just a corroboration of the school’s current efforts but a vision for a brighter educational future that the entire school body can thrive and benefit from.

One thought on “CVHS aims for a good WASC grade

  • Dylan Vuong

    I absolutely agree there has been an improvement towards a WASC grade.

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