It’s a ‘Utorpia’ at CVHS

Principal Blaine Torpey invites every citizen of Castro Valley into the wonderful realm of “Utorpia.” “Utorpia,” also known as CVHS, is run by the wonderful man himself along with the team effort of his amazing staff. Welcome to “Utorpia.”
Torpey has been a beloved member of the CVHS staff since 2013. He has managed to gracefully climb the ladder from being a waiter in San Francisco, to being a teacher at Redwood High School, as well as being the summer school principal, to now being the interim principal of CVHS.
Each of these jobs have definitely entailed different duties. However, Torpey dedicates his success in them all to his skills as a waiter.
“A lot of it is going around and addressing people’s needs. And that’s what I do…anticipate the needs of people,” said Torpey.
It was never really Torpey’s plan to be a principal because teaching was his dream job. Working with students and running a classroom is what he loved to do. While at Redwood, however, he realized that leadership came naturally to him, and he continued working in administration.
Torpey applied for the interim principal position when former principal Mary Ann Valles gave notice, because he felt that he could handle the job and that it was the right thing for CVHS. He was nervous to take on such a big position because of all the responsibility, but he knew he was a perfect fit for the job. He hopes to turn his interim position into a permanent one in the following school year.
“This position is challenging, yet rewarding,” stated Torpey.
As a teacher, Torpey felt very close and connected with his students. Yet now that he is the interim principal he says that there is more of a distance between the students and himself. He always makes sure to visit classrooms and makes his way around campus during lunch and break to meet and connect with students and staff.
Assistant Principal Jesse Hansen loves working with Torpey. “I am impressed by Mr. Torpey’s ability to deal with complicated stressful situations, while maintaining a respectful and positive demeanor,” Hansen said.
Torpey honestly loves what he does and he doesn’t take his position lightly.
“I take this very seriously, I present myself in a joking manner with students, but I truly take the job with an incredible level of seriousness. I’m honored to be here and I’m not afraid of criticism,” stated Torpey.