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“Pearl” thrills audiences

“Pearl,” the name itself may not sound terrifying, but this movie will surely have you on the edge of your seat. Being the sequel to the slasher film “X,” the movie stars famous horror actress Mia Goth who brings outstanding performance to the film. In this movie, we get to see the background story of the character Pearl, the antagonist of the “X” film.

If you are looking for a scary, gory movie, then this film is not for you. The scenes are thrilling rather than scary. Most of the movie follows Pearl’s journey of getting out of the farm she grew up in. She aspires to be like the girls she sees on the projector—‘a star’— and believes that she has the ‘X-factor,’ as seen in the original film, “X.” However, her mother is making her stay on the farm to take care of her sick father, holding her back. 

As the movie goes on we see their relationship become more and more tense, eventually leading to a falling out between the two. We slowly see her dreams fall apart as she realizes that she will never get off the farm. It is later revealed that she only married her husband, making up a persona, in order to marry him and escape the farm. However, that plan was foiled when he fell in love with the farm life. 

This movie is a great film and is rated an astonishing 90 percent on Rotten Tomatoes! I would recommend you watch this movie, as the scenery and the casting offers a brilliant take on the 1920s. The movie feels like it was shot in that time period and is unlike any movie that I have ever seen. So, next time you are scrolling on the internet for the next great movie to watch, be sure to consider “Pearl”.