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School Board: Parker addresses cultural needs in education

Sharon Parker has taught for 33 years and has lived in Castro Valley for 45 years, raising her own children in the Castro Valley school system. She is committed to the success of the schools as well as the students, teachers, and parents in the community.

Parker wants to address all the students’ needs in the district and make the Board’s decisions easily available to the public including financial transparency.

“My goal as a Castro Valley School Board member will be to address the scholastic and cultural needs and concerns of our students, as well as providing parents more transparency regarding choices of curriculum and instructional materials,” Parker said.

Another goal Parker has is to see students succeed by providing teachers with the resources they need as well as including parents in decision making.

“I will fight to make sure that our educators are equipped to do just that [deliver the best-in-class education],” Parker stated on her website.

 Parker is prepared to listen to parents and students and work to put the children of the community as the highest priority.

“I believe parents and students should be assured that we’re all in this together!” said Parker.