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Four captains for the win

Girls varsity basketball dunked on the Amador Cougars in the first home game of the season on Nov. 25. In a crushing victory the Trojans won 55-33; a great start to the upcoming season.

As the first home game, this previewed the coming success of the 2024-2025 season. This year at CVHS, four captains are leading girls varsity basketball to victory: Ava Kim, Eden Teclemariam, Naomi Chew, and Sofia Tom.

 Kim, Chew, and Tom are veteran players on the court, marking their final year on the varsity team at CVHS. However, Teclemariam, a newly established player on CVHS’s varsity team, jumped the ranks straight to captain. 

“It’s my first year playing Trojan basketball, but I can already tell this will be my favorite year of high school basketball. There is no one I’d rather be a captain to than this group of girls and I know that we’re going to go far starting with our first goal to win league,” said Teclemariam.

Kim and Chew are newly “captained” this year and are using their experience as seniors to lead the team to victory. Kim recalled, “It was a great start to the season, we won, but it was also great because we learned a lot on the court.”

Kim started leading the team by commanding respect and greatness, directing and orchestrating her teammates into a powerful force of athletic trojan power.

This game displayed greatness, as new captains Kim and Teclemariam showed the team’s developing cooperation and communication. With four captains, the whole team was on point the entire game.

Chew and Tom, not to be left out of the picture, also played well, as expected due to their performance last year.

Overall, the collective teamwork, in addition to the players’ trust in the captains’ leadership and their own capabilities led the team to bring home the win.

With four captains and three coaches, girls varsity basketball is destined for greatness and is on track for an amazing season!

One thought on “Four captains for the win

  • Dominic Bolender

    Well done on beating Amador. Keep working hard and I know you’ll do great things.

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