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Cross country teams win numerous victories in WACC meet

“We’re gonna do good, we’re gonna do good,” said boys team captain senior Nathan Quinby. “I have faith in this team.” His sentiments for the meet were optimistic, and they were satisfied with the amazing performances shown by all of the teams in the Oct. 16 races. 

The CVHS cross country teams achieved great placements across the board in their latest West Alameda County Conference (WACC) meet. It was the second WACC meet this season, held at the 3-mile long course at Hayward High School. 

The varsity teams were led by sophomore Iliana Nierengarten and senior Maddeux Lim, who placed second and sixth, respectively.

“It was a pretty tough race in general. I just stayed with the girl next to me the whole time and really tried my best to stick with her throughout the whole race,” said Nierengarten. “I couldn’t breath quite right, but I tried to push through that as best as I could, and I did.” Nierengarten had some trouble in the race due to being sick the week before, but still performed incredibly with a time of 18:12.

The girls varsity team won second place out of nine total schools, with a total score of 45, placing ahead of Bishop O’Dowd and behind Berkeley. The top five runners all finished in the top 20.

Junior Mika Gomes was second of the team to finish, placing seventh with a time of 19:34, a new personal record.

“It was a pretty good race. I feel like it was one of my best starts I’ve done this season,” said Gomes. “I got out in a good spot, and then I maintained that spot for as long as I could.”  

Also placing second against nine competing schools, the boys varsity team had its top five runners all finishing in the top 25, allowing for a score of 77. Unfortunately, they finished behind Bishop O’Dowd.

Being the first of the boys varsity team to finish the race, at a time of 16:05, senior Maddeux Lim placed sixth. It’s a personal record, but he’s striving to reach the level of former boys team captain and alumnus Lucas Chang.

“I’m just getting started; I’ll be happy once I hit 15:20,” said Lim. “I just want to be as good as my former team captain, at the very least.”

Finishing in 12th place at 16:48, a personal record, boys team captain senior Levi Friesen was the second to finish for the boys varsity team. 

“The weather was amazing. The grass was a little muddy over by the baseball field, but other than that, the race was pretty good,” said Friesen.

Aside from the varsity teams, boys junior varsity and frosh/soph got first place out of their respective teams, and girls frosh/soph placed third.

A shout out to senior Lanikai Lependorf who achieved another personal record, improving her time by 11 minutes on the same course last year. After recovering from her diagnosis of anemia last year, she has been reaching PRs for every race. 

“I’ve been doing cross country all four years, but then I was getting slower every year, so that was kind of depressing,” said Lependorf. “But now I’m better, and it’s like all that hard work of practicing every day was actually worth it.”

The cross country teams’ next race will be the WACC Center Meet #3 on Oct. 23 at the Oyster Bay Regional Park–another 3-mile long course.

21 thoughts on “Cross country teams win numerous victories in WACC meet

  • Ashton Drueckhammer

    The motivation that everybody has is amazing!

  • Carrie Lee

    I’m so proud of our long distance/cross country team, CVHS is full of great atheletes.

  • Caleb R

    Great job y’all. Run hard.

  • hailey smith

    Good job to everyone in cross country that competed!

  • Karl Cheezman

    I love Nathan Quimbonius Jr. 2000 with all my heart. He did an absolutely amazing job. So did everyone else! Yay Trojan

  • Brenda

    Congrats cross country on the win! I always see them working really hard during practice form time to time so it’s nice to see their hard work had paid off.

  • Liam Wong Zelaya

    Congrats guys on winning.

  • Great job Cross Country Team! Way too do well and break PRs!!! Keep up the great work!

  • Congratulations! You’re hard work is paying off really well, you guys are all incredible.

  • Congrats to the runners! Cross-country times are really fast and impressive.

  • Benicio

    I enjoyed reading about the running team because its nice to know whats out there. ( In terms of sports/accomplishments).

  • Dominic bolender

    Great work and effort. Your hard work and dedication will pay off in the future for sure

  • Claire

    Good job everyone!

  • guangshen (alvin) LI

    Wow cross country times are so fast!

  • Marco

    very real news page

  • Angel

    Congratulations! I enjoyed reading this article, it keeps me updated on the new victories for CVHS!

  • Sebastian Garcia

    Good job guys!keep up the work and stay focused to win more.

  • Giselle

    Congratulations! The dedication to your sport has payed off with all the continuous hard work that has been put in. Good luck with the upcoming meets and finish strong!

  • Mika Gomes

    Good job guys! This has overall been a great season with lots of PR’s and wins!
    Amazing Article and Goodluck to the team for League Championships coming up.

  • julian sanchez

    keep up the work your going be the number one finsher one day!

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