Part-time jobs benefit students
Many students, especially those in high school, are wondering whether they should get part-time jobs. There are many downsides to having a part-time job in high school, as well as some advantages. Many people claim that the main task and focus of students in high school is studying hard so that after graduation they can get a degree that offers them a better opportunity for well-paid jobs. Nevertheless, I believe there are great advantages to having a part-time job that outweigh the disadvantages.
Opponents to students in high school having a part-time job say that students will face a decline in their studies because their job will occupy their precious time. Another argument is that they won’t have enough time to finish all their required assignments and homework, which will result in them falling behind in their classes. In other words, people often think part-time jobs are responsible for a student’s bad grades. In my opinion, having a part-time job will actually help a student learn many skills that they might not have the opportunity to learn in school. I believe having a part-time job teaches a student the importance of time management. College students often say time management is one of the keys to success in college, so why not learn those skills now? Students with part-time jobs will learn the importance of time management and organization by juggling work and school at the same time.
In addition, when a student has a part-time job it instills a work ethic in them. Once students start earning their own paychecks they will realize how hard it is to earn money. They will also start appreciating the things their parents do for them and understand that money doesn’t grow on trees. It teaches the students the value of money, and I think that when students earn their money, they will start cherishing it because they earned it themselves.
This topic is interesting.
I agree with this article. I believe this is a stepping stone for a student to built their personality in terms in working and their careers.
I can relate to this so much! The lessons you learn while working are priceless.
I totally agree with your logic. I am a high school student with a part-time job and it is very true that I have learned to cherish my money and I’ve learned people skills that I have never known before. It’s all about time management and responsibility and it’s a great way to become independent at an early age to prepare for the college years.