Teachers Leaving CVHS

There were many great hardworking staff members at CVHS, and it was very saddening to see them leave. However, it is also a time to wish them good luck on the new adventures ahead in their career.
One of these great staff members is John Green, who taught social studies and was president of the Castro Valley Teachers Association (CVTA). Green left on Feb. 7 for a staff job at the California Teachers Association in San Jose, where he will be working with seven teachers unions.
Although Green is leaving, he admits he will miss his fellow staff members, students, and the community.
“It is a great opportunity to do what I love and help teachers to be better teachers, but it is a bit disappointing about the timing and leaving my students,” said Green.
Green is happy that he has left CVTA in good shape. Castro Valley teachers recently received a three percent raise.
A memory Green will take was the fun he had with other teachers from the nearby classrooms.
“Teachers from other classrooms saran-wrapped my classroom. Everything! It took us 45 minutes to unwrap,” said Green. “I will miss the family, teachers, staff members, administrators, great students, and just the great community. It’s an amazing life experience. I owe it all to CVHS.”
Another staff member who had left was Wayne Shipman, who taught wood shop. At the end of the first semester, Shipman retired. However, wood shop class continued on with substitute Natalie Howe. According to Howe, everything is running smoothly and the students continue to work consistently with new projects that they are determined to complete.
“It’s going well,” stated Howe. “Just like any class, there are some students that are more eager but the students know that they’re part of the shop and as long as it is maintained, everything runs smoothly.”
Both teachers contributed greatly. CVHS wishes them good luck!