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Brodie Brazil speaks to CVHS seniors

While the underclassmen were taking the PSAT, CVHS brought in esteemed sportscaster Brodie Brazil to give a speech to the seniors. Brazil was born and raised in Castro Valley, an alumnus of CVHS, graduating in the class of 1999.

Brazil started his speech saying that he wanted to talk about what seniors should expect coming out of high school with the many big changes coming their way.

“Change can be exciting,” is an important lesson he says he learned when he went to college and that you have to embrace that. As seniors move away from home or meet more people there will be a lot of change in their lives.

But with all the change, Brazil says to, “try something new,” so that new high school graduates can learn what they enjoy and learn what to do with their lives.

“You should do it until you don’t like it anymore,” said Brazil, adding that it was okay to stop doing something you don’t like but you still have to try it. If you don’t like something after giving it a good go it is fine to walk away knowing you don’t want to do that anymore.

He also advised people to have the full college experience by branching out and having fun. College is a very exciting time so you should make the most of it.

Then the topic of the speech shifted more towards after college and starting jobs. Brazil said the most important thing for him was to network in college as you meet so many new people. This really helped his career as he knew people that could offer him jobs or opportunities. 

Overall Brazil closed his speech telling students that “how much you put into [life] is how much you will get out of it.” He wants students to branch out and have fun while they start this new chapter of their lives.