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Prop. 36 would increase drug, theft penalties

Prop. 36 would increase the penalty for drug and theft crimes. As a result, possession of a certain drug or theft of items under $950 would be classified as a felony. For those unaware, a felony is the most severe classification of crime. Alternatively, without Prop. 36 perpetrators in most cases would be charged with a misdemeanor which is less serious. 

Previously in 2014, Prop. 47 was instituted. Prop. 47 severely reduced penalties for minor crimes and lowered theft under $950 to a misdemeanor. If instituted Prop. 36 will overturn the acts of Prop. 47.

Supporters think the increased incarceration rates will be good for our communities. It will drastically reduce the amount of criminals on the streets and make our communities ultimately safer.  The threat of prison time that Prop. 36 imposes will serve as a preventative measure to those inclined to break the law. 

Supporters also believe it will help inhibit the fentanyl crisis. Millions of people die every year due to fentanyl and this proposal would ensure offenders served the maximum jail time and would help bring justice to the families who have to bury their family members due to this drug. 

“I think it will make our communities safer. If you’re not engaging in criminal acts then this doesn’t affect you. You should be punished for committing crimes,” commented CVHS junior Elena Robbuchon when interviewed.

Others at our school do not agree that Prop. 36 is a good idea. “Sending more people to jail won’t solve anything. That’s just stupid,” said junior Hope Hudson. 

Opponents say the institution of Prop 36. will increase the amount of people in our prison system due to heightened incarceration.  In order to sustain the escalating amount of people in the system, more funding will be critical. Money will need to be allotted and will most likely be taken from already underfunded areas like our school districts.  

In order to keep up with the demand, more workers will also need to be hired in order to maintain the prisons and federal systems. Prop. 36 will have a lot of effects if implanted. How will Californians vote?         

2 thoughts on “Prop. 36 would increase drug, theft penalties

  • Narayan


  • I feel like Prop 36 is good because then it can possibly reduce the usage of drugs. But there’s always something that will also contradict this. I support Prop 36. This article is very informative and nicely written.

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