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Retiring Crow Sensei reflects on Japanese class and culture

Emi Crow, also known as Crow Sensei, is the Japanese teacher here at CVHS. Though it is her last year teaching and she plans to retire, she reflects on her time teaching.  

“Most of my students want to take Japanese. The students were motivated and their goals were excellent. And being the only teacher, I was able to have them back every year so we became a family. I still am in contact with a lot of them.” 

Both on an educational and cultural level, she loves seeing the creativity and interest that many students bring to her class. Some of her favorite memories include a crane mural made out of 6,600 cranes, koi fish with wishes written on them, and all of the field trips to Japan every other year.

During her retirement Crow Sensei plans to travel the world and become a student again, eager to learn more. Crow is also quite fond of cooking and baking. “I love to cook and bake so I would like to find a group to enjoy different recipes,” said Crow.

As she parts from the CVHS staff lineup she shared these words to the students at CVHS: “No matter what language you take, it broadens your knowledge of different cultures. Take a language you like and make it a lifelong experience. Don’t take it just for credits.”

One thought on “Retiring Crow Sensei reflects on Japanese class and culture

  • Logan Yang


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