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Homecoming in the age of Covid

This school year has been very different from previous years due to Covid-19. Many of the changes implemented have impacted school procedures and events. One of the most significant changes to this year’s Homecoming dance was the relocation of the dance from the gym to the football field. 

This shift is a result of Alameda County Covid mandates put in place to ensure safety and limit the spread of Covid among the dance participants. Students were required to either show a negative Covid test from the week of the dance or proof of full vaccination at the gates. Also, both students and staff were still required to wear masks–even though the event is outdoors–to further prevent the spread of Covid. 

  “At this point we are taking every event one at a time and making safety changes as needed,” said activities director Tommy Maloney.   

“It took a long time, but I think it was the right thing to do,” said junior Keidon Quac.

Many of the new changes around the campus have come and gone unexpectedly, and the same should be expected for future dances as Covid mandates are frequently modified and rules need to be adjusted accordingly. 

“There will likely be similar measures in place for our winter ball dance, which will take place on campus in January,” said Maloney.

Many may oppose the changes, but they have actually been in effect for much longer than most think. In an interview with Principal Blaine Torpey, he mentioned, “These rules actually started during the summer.” 

As Covid is currently trending towards a more controllable level, next year’s dance rules may be different, but we will not know until we approach the dates. Hopefully our dances will be back to normal by next year and we won’t have to deal with all the Covid mandates.

“At this point I don’t feel comfortable commenting on next year. We will continue to monitor safety protocols and make adjustments as needed,” Maloney stated.