Castro Valley High School’s award-winning student newspaper. We are born to seek the truth!


Olympian staff endorses Harris for president

A heated election is on the horizon, and with each passing day the fight between Democrats and Republicans has higher and higher stakes. Vice President Kamala Harris has emerged as a promising candidate for the Democratic Party, and former President Donald Trump still has strong support from the Republican Party. 

Although strong points can be made in support of Trump, The Olympian has decided to endorse Harris as our official presidential candidate. 

In a historic debate, Harris and Trump faced off in a battle that took place on Sept. 10, that went pretty much how we all thought it would. 

Trump spouted lies, made personal remarks, completely and utterly didn’t answer some questions, and made a complete fool of himself. Viewers were shocked by Trump’s incoherent remarks, which are going viral on the internet for their absurdity. He rambled about after-birth abortions, immigrants stealing and eating pets, and transgender surgeries. He made numerous claims that were proven untrue when fact checked. Harris, however, held her composure and answered questions calmly and coherently.

During the debate, both candidates made stances on many heavy topics. Trump claimed he wouldn’t sign a federal abortion ban, although he thinks the states should be able to impose any that they want. Harris offered an alternative viewpoint, fully supporting abortion and a woman’s rights to choose. 

While Harris wishes to address immigration at the root of the issue, Trump’s barbaric alternative involves rounding up undocumented immigrants by the millions and detaining them in camps. Trump has many anti-trans and racist beliefs that he still stands by, and all of these affected our choice of candidate. 

Some of our staff had points in favor of Trump, including what they viewed as economic prosperity during his presidency. Some, even supporters of Harris, had points against her. Her stance on the Israel and Palestine conflict concerned some, as she seemed in favor of Israel even with the exponential human suffering they have caused and continue to cause. 

Overall though, Harris seems to have much more promising and uplifting views and goals as president.

The whole world is on the edge of their seat, and The Olympian is no different. People are scared of what Trump brings to the world. He is an ally to dictators and a convicted felon, and his campaign is brimming with red flags that he waves even higher than his American flag.

The main thing to do is register to vote. 

Everyone’s voice matters in this historic election, and if there was ever a time to make your stance known it is now. Our country as we know it depends on it.

3 thoughts on “Olympian staff endorses Harris for president

  • Alex Shlong

    bruh aint no way

  • Mason Jordan

    Hi Wesley!
    Thank you for your comment, there is a lot of reasonable and well written points in it. Just a reminder, the “Editorial” means the full opinion of the paper. Our class opinion based on a discussion and vote was that we favor Harris and do not favor Trump, as conveyed in the editorial. This simply represents our personal opinion as a class and as a paper, and the story does highlight one of the only criticisms we got of Harris in our recorded discussion (Paragraph 7).
    You seem to have a lot of really interesting and well thought out ideas to fix our paper, so why don’t you join the class! We would love to have you, maybe you could make a difference.

  • Wesley Hon

    This endorsement from the school’s newspaper is outrageously concerning, not only because it reflects a one-sided view, but because it influences students, all of whom will be voting in 2028. It’s also really ironic, considering this article was published just the day after the Vice Presidential debate. We all know who came out on top of that debate. This makes the timing of the article even more questionable, as the debate’s outcome would have definitely opened our eyes to the current political situation. A school newspaper should be a neutral platform that informs, rather than persuades, especially when dealing with such a diverse school with various political beliefs. You’re not a news broadcasting system. This platform is supposed to be a representative of this school.

    The problem is not that you’re expressing an opinion, but you’re using a school sponsored platform to do so, swaying high school students who have just begun to form their political views. By endorsing a specific candidate, you’re quite literally telling students who to be voting for. Act now and make your stance known? Considering most of us high school students will be voting in the 2028 election, this becomes even more significant. Instead of attempting to nudge students toward a political stance through the school newspaper, we should be developing our political understanding independently, through balanced reporting.

    Now, I’m a very patriotic person. I’m not saying that Kamala Harris is unworthy of popular support, but the role of a school publication should provide unbiased information. A newspaper that serves the entire CVHS student body must ensure that it reflects all sides of an issue, not just the side that it favors. In this article, I’m seeing lots of slander to Donald Trump, but none to Harris. I’m seeing a lot of Republican policies that are criticized and Democratic policies that are highlighted. But, did you explain how or why? So, that’s got me thinking: is this just bad writing? Or, do you deliberately fail to address those policies to control students’ political viewpoints?

    At its core, a school newspaper should encourage students to critically think about politics and make their own autonomous decision. Rather than providing a one-sided endorsement, why not offer a balanced breakdown of each of the candidates’ policies with a detailed explanation and allow students to come to their own political conclusion? As Mr. Ramaswamy, Mr. Kirk, and Mr. Vance has well put, voting comes with civic duty. You don’t get to vote only because you’re a citizen of America, but also that you make informed decisions about the future you envision for America. As said, high schoolers should be empowered to develop the ability to think critically about these issues without being influenced by the biases of their school’s publication.

    By publishing this endorsement, especially after JD Vance’s clear win in the VP debate, you lost a lot of credibility as a platform for our students. I strongly ask you to reconsider your role in this 2024 election and focus on fostering open and balanced articles about politics, rather than trying to control the minds of students who will be first-time voters.

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