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Boys track team races to third in WACC

Bustling activity takes over the CVHS football field with track events spread out across the green grass on May 1 and 3. Lined up, one after the other, students wait their turn to start. The sun beats down on them as they stretch and prepare in their spots. The mental game has already begun in their minds. Psyching themselves up, they practice their take-offs, throws, and jumps to pass the time, envisioning the moments to come.

CVHS boys track achieved third at the WACC League Championship Meet against 11 other teams. Five of the athletes who helped achieve that score, with “Castro Valley” written in bright gold letters across their jerseys, are Zachary Watson for the pole vault and the high jump, Nahum Biruk for the 800 meter dash, Miguel Sunoo for the 300 meter hurdles, Nathaniel Belli for shot put, and Andrew Arias for discus. 

Running the 800-meter dash, Biruk placed third with a personal record of 1:58.8, his first time under two minutes. Taking on the high jump and the pole vault, Watson received top scores. He also jumped 6 feet, letting CVHS win the high jump event. Sunoo earned a time of 42.5 seconds on the 300m hurdles, taking fifth place among other 24 competitors. Belli earned second place against 36 competitors in shot put with a personal best. In the discus throw, Arias placed third out of 32 athletes. 

With placements above sixth, all qualified and got to move on to the NCS Championship.