Castro Valley High School’s award-winning student newspaper. We are born to seek the truth!


Senior Bio — Rebecca Fong

Rebecca Fong is torn between two extremes: a thrill to begin a new life at UC Davis next fall, and heartsickness from leaving behind what has been her second home these past four years. She hopes she won’t embarrass herself too badly at graduation when she starts the waterworks. As much as Rebecca enjoys writing, she has also always had an interest in photography; working with both mediums in Journalism has been a fully satisfying experience. Though the early hours were brutal, she will miss the teamwork involved in producing such a high-quality school newspaper. Her fellow staff, with whom she bonded through sleepiness and missing deadlines, has put in so much effort this year. She thanks them all for their work and will miss them, too. She would like to attribute her accomplishments as co-photo editor to Bianca Arias, her predecessor. To her own successor, Natalie Fazeli, she wishes good luck! Working on the paper for two years has familiarized Rebecca with the power of the press and the importance of ethics in reporting. She will forever carry that knowledge with her wherever she goes.