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Athlete of the Month: Nikki Jensen

Senior volleyball player Nikki Jensen loves being able to win with her team and improve on her skills, while watching her teammates grow.

She began playing volleyball at age 12, when her mom introduced her to the sport, and before she knew it, she was hooked.

Jensen loves being able see her effort and hard work pay off on the court. She often watches college teams play so she can see what it is like to play at a higher level and try to learn something new.

To Jensen, there’s nothing like a good rally. “When you get a really good rally and you win it, your whole team comes together and just starts celebrating. It’s a really cool feeling,” she said.

When facing rough patches, she tries to fix the problems by pushing past them with intense practices and conditioning.

Jensen is driven by her love of the game, and she believes it is a part of who she is. “It’s such a big part of my life that if I were to take out volleyball, it would completely change who I am and I just wouldn’t be the same,” Jensen explains.

When Jensen isn’t on the court, she sings in Madrigals and tries to find solutions to world issues in Model UN.

Jensen believes that it is a great thing to dedicate yourself to something that you like, which is exactly what she has done with volleyball. She encourages others to play volleyball in the hopes that they come to love it as well.