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New CVHS focus: Trojan Togetherness

Starting off as two simple words and a joined fist pump, “Trojan Togetherness” has been introduced to CVHS as a center of focus on the idea of being more connected as a school. This being his third year at CVHS, Principal Blaine Torpey has walked around the campus, participated in activities, visited classrooms, and seen wonderful examples of excellence.

“One of the things we can do to strengthen our community is to connect those excellent elements into a cohesive whole,” said Torpey.

Because there are students who aren’t as connected as others, those who are highly connected should seek to reach out to others and connect them to club or team activities, Torpey said. In addition, if students who struggle can build a strong connection with an adult on campus, their likelihood to be successful increases.

An excellent example was carried out at the welcome back assembly. The level of spirit rose to the top and everyone seemed to be united by the excitement that filled Trojan Stadium.

Whether it be a student-adult connection, adult-adult connection, or student-student connection, the stronger and more successful we will be. So, what can we do to make ourselves more connected to our school community?

Examples can range from the staff making decisions together, to students developing a dress code policy that everyone can agree on, to attending events such as club day. Most importantly, however, Torpey hopes that most of the ideas come from the students and staff. In your eyes, what is “Trojan Togetherness” all about?

Keep in mind, the football games have a lot of potential to get involved. It doesn’t have to be because we all love football, rather coming together as a school and sharing our enthusiasm for the thrill of the night.